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Build a culture of learning for your team with regular coaching sessions. Through coaching, you’ll give your team the confidence to learn outside the classroom and tackle harder challenges without generating legacy code. Sessions are always tailored to suit you, at whatever stage of functional programming you are comfortable with.


Team Workshops

Raise your team’s aptitude with a workshop. Workshops combine deep theory with hands-on labs to build solid foundations. You’ll benefit from extensive, interactive teaching using state-of-the-art methods.

Learning doesn’t end when a workshop does: you’ll have the option to join post-workshop office hours, or have long-term coaching to suit your team’s needs.

All workshops are flexible: they can be taken online at a schedule to suit you. Pace them out over several weeks to give your team time to explore the concepts.

If you’re not sure what you need, why not enquire?.

Concurrent stream programming with fs2

Concurrent streams lie at the heart of many complex problems. Learn to solve them with fs2, the most sophisticated functional streaming library.

Event driven architectures with fs2 and kafka

Design solid event driven architectures with fs2 and Kafka. Learn how to scale and when to fail in the challenging waters of distributed systems. We’ll explore a wide variety of failure scenarios and overcome all of them with the power of functional streams.

Building microservices with the Typelevel stack

Unlock the potential of the richest functional programming ecosystem. Use http4s, doobie, cats‑effect and all their companions to build robust services.

Tailored to you

Have a custom course to suit your needs, with your very own flavor of functional programming.